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g089h515r806 的头像
Submitted by g089h515r806 on 星期六, 2009-08-08 11:27

列表 6-2. legalagree.module

// $Id$
 * @file
 * Support for dubious legal agreement during user registration.
 * Implementation of hook_user().
function legalagree_user($op, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL) {
     switch($op) {
     // User is registering.
          case 'register':
              // Add a fieldset containing radio buttons to the
              // user registration form.
              $fields['legal_agreement'] = array(
                   '#type' => 'fieldset',
                   '#title' => t('Legal Agreement')
              $fields['legal_agreement']['decision'] = array(
                   '#type' => 'radios',
                   '#description' => t('By registering at %site-name, you agree that at any time, we (or our surly, brutish henchmen) may enter your place of residence and smash your belongings with a ball-peen hammer.',array('%site-name' => variable_get('site_name', 'drupal'))),
                   '#default_value' => 0,
                   '#options' => array(t('I disagree'), t('I agree'))
          return $fields;
     // Field values for registration are being checked.
     case 'validate':
          // Make sure the user selected radio button 1 ('I agree').
          // The validate op is reused when a user updates information on
          // the 'My account' page, so we use isset() to test whether we are
          // on the registration page where the decision field is present.
          if (isset($edit['decision']) && $edit['decision'] != '1') {
              form_set_error('decision', t('You must agree to the Legal Agreement before registration can be completed.'));
     // New user has just been inserted into the database.
     case 'insert':
          // Record information for future lawsuit.
          watchdog('user', t('User %user agreed to legal terms', array('%user' => $user->name)));
6-2 一个修改了的用户注册表单
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官方勘误: Page 123


case 'insert':
// Record information for future lawsuit.
watchdog('user', t('User %user agreed to legal terms',
array('%user' => $user->name)));


case 'insert':
// Record information for future lawsuit.
$name = $edit['name'];
watchdog('user', t('User %user agreed to legal terms',
array('%user' => $name)));

Description of the Error: 

when operation insert happen, the user object is still loaded as anonymous, so $user->name get any information.
To get the new user's name you have to use the $edit variable who content the value submit by the new user in a array. So to get the name you have to use $edit['name'].